Friday, 20 February 2015

The Cancer Survivors Club second edition...

I’m pleased to share the news that The Cancer Survivors Club second edition is now on sale. Chris and Catherine Geiger have worked tirelessly in the last few years and their hard work has paid off. Oneworld publishing has published the second edition which is now available from all major on-line and independent bookstores.  For details as to where to buy the book click on the link.

The Cancer Survivors Club on-sale in Waterstones.

The launch of the second addition coincided with World Cancer Day on February 4th which proved to be a very busy day for Chris promoting the book with Radio interviews on over 12 local  BBC Radio stations. Some of the stations included BBC Sussex, Stoke,Surrey,Wiltshire, Shropshire, Cornwall and Northampton. Chris also spoke with Vanessa Feltz on BBC London which formed part of a fascinating program about cancer on World Cancer Day. The show includes discussions with leading experts on cancer who now tell us that one in two people will now get cancer at some point in our lives. This is down to our lifestyle choices and the fact that we are living longer.The good news is that more people than ever are surviving cancer.There is also an extraordinarily moving interview with a gentleman -Pete diagnosed with terminal cancer. Pete says that the most important thing that he has learnt since being terminally diagnosed is that "life is a gift" and that "the most important thing I have learnt in life is love,this is what matters".
To listen to the program in full click on the link, Chris's interview starts at 54 minutes into the program.

Chris hard at work on the radio!

The book has also received some fantastic reviews from all over including an article in the Express- 20 life lessons from Cancer Survivors and even from blog sites such as Vortex Bloggery-What do I say to someone with Cancer?

On the rear cover of the book Bob Champion calls it a "Very inspirational book" and the Nursing Times saying "What a wonderful book.I laughed,I cried and was inspired"

In an e-mail to me Chris shared –

“ This astonishing,crazy and sometimes frustrating journey started as nothing more than a self-published project,as a result of being diagnosed with cancer many years ago. It soon became one of the best selling cancer survival books. I’d always been convinced if I could get this book in the hands of anyone touched by cancer it would offer them great support, hope and comfort. My only problem was proving it to a publisher.”

Chris goes on to say-

“Now thanks to the incredible generosity and power of Oneworld Publishing, who instantly recognized how beneficial this book is to anyone touched by cancer, it is now available to a much broader audience, than I would ever have been able to achieve through self publishing.”

“Finally however, if it wasn't for the kindness, trust and support of the survivors who let me use their deeply personal stories in the book, none of this would have been possible. Thank You!”

Chris is keen to get across in the radio interview with Vanessa Feltz that on World Cancer Day we should be focusing on the positives...more people than ever are surviving cancer. And this is the message underpinning the Cancer Survivors Club book and a message that I have always tried to promote in my blog. Yes, I have been through two major surgeries now in my battle against Psuedomyxoma Peritonei, but I'm still here, still fighting, still running, still caving, still loving my family and still loving life. This is the message that Chris and all the cancer survivors in the book are shouting loudly...

So if you or your family have been touched by cancer or you want to be inspired by some truly uplifting stories then go buy a copy...