I'm feeling well but am being a little held back by the wound from the operation. Its healing well but taking its time due to the nature of it. Its a round, open wound that heals from the inside out and this is whats taking the time. The nurse is changing the dressings on a Monday and Thursday and insists that all is going very well and that I'm doing very well. I anticipate it being at least another three weeks yet though.
This means that I still cant really get back into the exercise routine in any real meaningful way so in the meantime I just have to be patient. I am walking regularly with a pack for added resistance and am going to get the exercise bike out and have a few gentle goes on that to do some easy cardio. Once the wound heals I hope to start some light weights again. I'm ever midful of the fact that I have arranged the sponsored Snowdon walk and have to get fit for this but at the same time have to get fit sensibly and not overdo things and set myself back and jepourdise the walk.
The good news is that I started back to work today! Only half days to begin with and then will build it up from there. It's great to be back at the sharp end again and for me its another clear indication that I'm now well on the way to recovery.
We also had a great family day out this weekend. We took the family across to the Forest of Dean and walked the Sculpture Trail. Tracey's sister and her husband Paul (a childhood friend of mine) came too along with my two nephews Danny and Jamie. It was the first time for them and we were blessed with great weather. We had a picnic first and then did the walk. We all had a really good time, especially the kids who could run,climb, get dirty and generally have fun. It was great, I really apreciate these days now. They are so valuable and should be cherished....
Congratulations on getting back to work! I went back much too early (part time the beginning of March -- full time the beginning of April)! I'm a teacher, and I really really really missed my students. Plus, the school administration was very supportive, so I was able to go home and nap during my prep block. I didn't really feel good until the end of April, but yesterday I played kickball with the graduating seniors -- I'm back!